The signature of Krisztian Lipcsei, Internal Family Systems Coach, in white

IFS Coaching for overachievers

Make The Most of your Mid-Career Transition

Breaking free from your high performing job was just the beginning. Heal the personality traits that don’t serve you in this new chapter so you can step into your purpose with authenticity & ease.

Welcome, fellow overachiever.

You are not easily content.

Like me, you have been pushing your limits your entire life.

No matter how far you’ve come, you never feel like you’ve arrived.

Your drive to make the most of what you have surrounded you with equally brilliant people, leaving you unsure if you even qualify as an “overachiever.”

Overachiever = exceptional potential + relentless drive

You know, deep down, that life will always get better, more fulfilling, more aligned, because you have the ability to make it so.

Even after rejections, failures, or when uncertainty creeps in, you’re certain that your skills and determination will bring you back on track and take you to the next level.

At each stage of your life, you hold a single, unchanging belief:

An even more fulfilling life is ahead.

Our journey is about growth.

Our path is more than just a set of steps to get somewhere.

The average person goes on very few adventures: when it’s time for the yearly vacation, when their boss offers them a promotion, or when it’s time to get married.

We, on the other hand, embarked on a life-long journey a long time ago.

Potential—all the amazing things we could learn, build, and have—keeps us in motion.

We don’t wait for permission, and we don’t like to settle. And why would we, when we enjoy making the most of what we have?

Our journeys started a long time ago, and we’re not planning to run out of steam anytime soon.

This path is ripe with transitions, growth, taking risks, and learning to perform in new roles.

When we perform, we can sniff out external validation from a mile away.

Validation means that we are performing well in our role—and that means growth and options.

As a high school student, getting good grades meant getting into a better college. As a consultant, dazzling the client meant that we were protected in the next evaluation.

When we get stuck on someone else's path, we stagnate.

At some point, a part of us started acting as if we’re on the partner track, on the US green card track, or on the “who-makes-more-money” track.

When we focus on paths set by other people, we forget that our journey has been special way before we got to the current stage.

When we get stuck on someone else's path, we stagnate.

The Mid-Career Transition

What I wish someone had told me 5 years ago

I never had a map that I felt compelled to follow.

Some people gave me advice on how to achieve the life that they have. As I tried to imagine myself in their shoes, I felt restless, so I filed most of it under the “do not follow” category. 

I envied their stability, but something in me said that if I had such stability, I would use it as a foundation to build on, not as a place to stop.

Most of my career was about creating options.

I worked hard, and when I got into my dream MBA, I was ready to stop creating options.

I walked out 

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Chapter 1

Building future options

Where you are now: You keep creating options in a high-performing role, at a top MBA, or by climbing a steep corporate ladder. You don’t want to miss out on the growth and opportunities that will come after the next milestone.

Emotional state: A mix of frustration, anxiety, and excitement, but you can’t tell them apart. Very limited connection to your body. Fleeting excitements in place of purpose.

What you don’t realize: Staying in this stage is costly—the next stage is already 10x more enjoyable. You don’t need to wait for the perfect opportunity. You are an overachiever—it’s not like you’re going to retire after the next thing you do.

You need: A good enough opportunity, some psychological growth, and to remember that you have your unique journey—this is just a stage on a much longer path.

The stakes: The longer you stay in this stage, disconnected from yourself, the more damage you do to your mind, body, & relationships.

Chapter 2

Balancing Competing Priorities

Chapter 3

At a career crossroads

Chapter 4

Integrating the past

Chapter 5

Diving Into Purpose

What else is ahead?

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Subconscious Coaching

Achieve permanent change with internal family systems

Discipline—using the brain to overwrite our needs—doesn't lead to permanent change.

Real transformation isn’t about trying harder. It’s not about forcing yourself to change through discipline. It’s not about denying your needs.

True change happens within your subconscious.

Lasting change happens when something shifts inside—on the level of your body, your subconscious, your “hardware.” This is where we work with my clients.

As your conditioning shifts, you will feel different.

When we realign your body and mind, struggles like burnout, addiction, or frustration start to dissolve naturally. It’s not about pushing harder—it’s about feeling freer and more aligned with who you truly are.

Subconscious shifts resolve fears, long-standing dilemmas, and painful patterns.

Dilemmas that once seemed unsolvable begin to make sense. You start to live with more clarity and purpose. This isn’t just surface-level coaching—this is real, embodied change.

A tailored approach using cutting-edge tools:

I use advanced techniques borrowed from the cutting-edge of psychology.

My base modality is Internal Family Systems (IFS), a system for working directly with the subconscious. There is little talking or analysis; you do the work on yourself.

I use various techniques from Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, EMDR, and Systemic Constellations to create a personalized approach that works at the level where you need to shift.

Together, we’ll access parts of you that have been hidden or stuck for years, creating lasting, meaningful transformation.

Get the best of both worlds:

Tactical Coaching

We discuss your progress since the last session.

You tell me anything interesting or relevant that occured or happened to you since we last met.

With your goals and current state in mind, you decide what you would like to work on.

We notice and follow a trailhead—an invitation from your subconcious—, and dive into trancework.

Once we return, we discuss what you have to do between sessions to progress and integrate.

Deep Trancework

We work in trance, not hypnosis. You are awake and more connected to yourself than usual.

I guide you among sensations, emotions, and thoughts, exploring the elements of your triune brain and nervous system.

We start with protectors: the parts of your personality that help you get your needs met.

When appropriate, we dive deeper to process exiled emotions—such as pain or shame—, retrieve old selves, or reparent parts that didn’t get their early attachment needs met.

Meet Chris

My journey from insecure overachiever to running my coaching practice

Creating space

For 4 years, I put my heart and soul into consulting. Eventually, I got into Stanford GSB, my dream MBA, with an essay I wrote in a day and a half.

I arrived at the most gorgeous campus on Earth knowing that it would change my life, but I had no idea how. 

Despite all the opportunities surrounding me, I finally felt ready to rest. And I had to rest, because what came after was no walk in the park, either.

I wasn’t just burned out—I was completely disconnected from my emotions. Even though I had been going to talk therapy for years (where I was told that I tend to overthink), it took until I landed in the US with a 2-year program ahead of me until I finally had space to heal.


First, I had to heal from the symptoms caused by overachieving. The burnout, the guilt, the anxiety, the addictions, the disconnection from my emotions, and all the havoc they brought into my life.

What came next was much deeper: healing the wounds and unmet needs driving my overachievement. 

I approached the problem as any overachiever would: over a 4-year, often full-time healing journey, I worked with the best therapists & practitioners in the world, using the most cutting-edge modalities.

Seeing how self-efficacy was my greatest resource, my lead therapist recommended that I get trained in the modalities of my liking, and so I did. It was the best decision.

Once I had the tools, I became my own lead healer. Being able to do 80% of the work myself meant I could always involve the most fitting, often extremely expensive professional only for the hardest 20%.

Passing it on

I soon understood that the same cutting-edge healing tools I learned are extremely effective for coaching. They offer a straigthforward way to work with someone’s subconscious and achieve pemanent change.

In 2023, I started my coaching + healing practice. I spent over 800 hours delivering private coaching, and thousands of hours perfecting my own bespoke methodology based on Internal Family Systems and a number of other, synergistic modalities.

Since 2024, I work exclusively with overachievers and high performers who want to use subconscious coaching as a strategic tool to unlock their deepest potential.

I developed the Overachievers’ Path as the map I wish I had been given a decade ago. I have helped people in each stage of the journey—often helping others navigate stages I had yet to conquer.

My Professional Journey

Role: You're an expert at how to use computer software

Fastest direct-to-associate promotion path in Central Europe.

Never got fired, despite routinely upsetting powerful people.

“If anyone gets in, it will be you” — my mentors

Graduated as the 2nd Hungarian MBA ever.
The logo of Google leading global big tech company

“All your karma is about to pay off” — fortune teller in Bangkok

An hour later, I got laid off with a generous severance.

Work with me

Private 3-6 month Internal Family Systems Coaching programs start at $500 / month.

The first step is to book a free 30-minute consult. We will talk about where you are in your journey, what are your goals, and whether we’re a good fit to work together.

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